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cancer fighting superhero sandwich

one of our very favorite people in the whole world is going through something very devastating right now.  colon cancer.  so this post is dedicated to her.  it probably seems trivial and kinda weird to post a sandwich and dedicate it to a person, but hey, this is a cooking blog after all!  and this sandwich has superhero qualities.  each of the ingredients has antioxidants and cancer fighting powers.  as i looked around the world wide web for foods to fight colon cancer, i realized that i make this sandwich all the time and didn't know the powers that it has.  so it really is healthy and delicious.  and i'll tell you why.

oops, i couldn't help but take a bite.  can you tell?
first start with really healthy grain and seed bread.  i've been using dave's killer bread from coscto.  (the bread contains flaxseeds which some believe to be the most powerful plant food on the planet!  There’s some evidence it can help reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes)

spread a slathering of cream cheese (this just tastes good!)

add some roasted red peppers (you can make these at home, but i don't.  i buy them in a jar in the pickle aisle.)  (peppers contain phytochemicals, which have antioxidant abilities. This means they can help neutralize free radicals in the body, which damage cells.)

spread out a large bunch of broccoli sprouts. (Broccoli sprouts are much higher than mature broccoli heads in delivering a biochemical called sulforaphane, which has previously been shown to have potentially anticancer effects. The compound appears to work by triggering the body, especially the gastrointestinal tract, to produce enzymes that protect against damage-causing chemicals and inflammation.)

add a handful of sliced mushrooms (mushrooms can build the immune system and help your body fight against cancer cells.  some mushrooms help build interferon, an important chemical in the immune system)

sliced cucumbers (cucumbers are very good for your digestion.)

avocado (avocados provide phytochemicals and more than 25 essential nutrients, including fiber, potassium, vitamin E, B vitamins, and folic acid.  avocados are rich in beta-sitosterol, a natural substance shown to significantly lower blood cholesterol levels.  they're also a good source of alpha-linoleic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid which supports heart, brain and eye health.)

put it all together, sprinkle avocados with a little kosher salt and enjoy.  and then fly around your house like a superhero.  

-nutrition information gathered from

  • camie, we love you.  i speak for amanda and myself (and our mom!) when i say that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family daily.  we look up to you in ways we can't even begin to explain and we hope you know that we're behind you in this fight!  xoxoxo


  1. What a good way to support your friend. Seriously.
    This looks so good and it's my favorite treat: a sandwich. Thanks for all the healthy info! I'm going to buy sprouts ASAP!

  2. Looks way good, minus the tomato, he he!


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