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Showing posts from July, 2011

sesame bagels

i love a good bagel.  my kids love bagels of any sort.  and my better half will eat a half hard bagel toasted and brought back to life.  we're bagel kind of people.  i wish my waistline were more bagel friendly.  or maybe i wish that bagels were more waistline friendly!  ha!  but the really good news is that these are really a fun afternoon activity...even with kids.  they love rolling out the bagels and the love plopping them in the water to begin cooking.  it's just plain fun.  this recipe comes from one of my all time favorite books called "artisan bread in five minutes a day".  it's a good one to have on your shelf!  and the bread you'll make is impressive.  so if you're trying to impress people you should get this cookbook and then make the bread and bagels.  you'll be popular.  this is a simplified version of the original recipe: for the dough: 3 cups lukewarm water 1 1/2 T yeast 1 1/2 T ...